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Camping With Your 4WD

Australia, Magazines, Northern Territory, Tasmania Add comments

Issue seven of Camping With Your 4WD hit the shelves yesterday.  In it are a couple of articles I wrote outlining a few weekend getaways for 4WD-inclined travelers from Hobart and Darwin.  A few more cameos from Lisa’s parents in the Hobart article, camping along the Lyell Highway and also on Bruny Island.


Camping With Your 4WD

Australia, Magazines, Northern Territory, Western Australia Add comments

Camping With Your 4WD issue five hit the shelves today, in it is the second article of our two part piece on Western Australia’s Kimberley region.  Also are a couple of short articles I did for the editor on a selection of ‘Escape The Winter Blues’ destinations.  Of our travels are single page briefs of […]


Australian 4WD Action

Australia, Magazines, Northern Territory Add comments

We noticed another one of our articles on the shelves yesterday morning, this one in Australian 4WD Action issue 145.  I hadn’t seen the photos above of Edith Falls in the flesh, looks great all blown up in hard copy.  A couple of cameos from my cousins Margot and Sophie in this article, they met […]


Camping With Your 4WD

Australia, Magazines, Northern Territory Add comments

  We stopped off at the bakery in Bicheno yesterday morning to find the next article of ours on the shelves in the latest edition of Camping With Your 4WD.  The spread pictured here chronicles our trip along the Bullita Stock Route through the Northern Territory’s Gregory National Park.


Camping With Your 4WD

Australia, Magazines, Northern Territory Add comments

I’ve been working with a few of the folks at Express Publications over the last few months, they publish an array of 4WD-centric magazines and have been kind enough to publish a few articles cataloguing our trip around Australia.  The first of the articles from our travels through the Top End will be on the […]


Keep River National Park

Australia, Northern Territory Add comments

Temperature: 36°C (97°F) Keep River, a remote National Park on the Western Australia/Northern Territory border, was our last stop in the Northern Territory.  Keep River covers a relatively small area of around 700 square kilometers, but what it lacks in acreage it surely makes up for in natural splendor.  Some of the most picturesque vistas […]


Gallery: Northern Territory

Australia, Galleries, Northern Territory Add comments

Katherine and Gregory National Park

Australia, Northern Territory Add comments

Planet View: S15°37.753′ E130°28.510′ Street View: S15°37.753′ E130°28.510′ We spent some time in Katherine (S14°19.067′ E132°25.252′)last weekend restocking our supplies and also getting a few minor items on The Tank taken care of.  The Tank was due for an oil change and we also had one front hub that wouldn’t consistently disengage from being locked […]


Kakadu National Park

Australia, Northern Territory Add comments

Planet View: S13°18.690’ E132°46.933’ Street View: S13°18.690’ E132°46.933’ One of our main stops up north is Kakadu National Park, one of Australia’s most famous attractions and (I think) the only site listed as a World Heritage Area for both natural and cultural features.  Kakadu is massive, it’s a third the size of Tasmania, and even […]



Australia, Northern Territory Add comments

Planet View: S12°25.652’ E130°50.230’ Street View: S12°25.652’ E130°50.230’ We’re just about to finish up a very fun week-and-a-half stay in Darwin with my auntie, uncle and cousins.  It’s been a little luxurious for us, being able to enjoy their wonderful home in Fannie Bay after getting used to living out of The Tank as we […]

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